When your pc screen is all white (like a word page, for example), your computer comsuption is about 74 Watt. When it's all black, the average ist about 54 Watt. Because of this, a few month ago, Mark Ontlush wrote an article about the amount of energy that could be saved if Google had a black background instead of white. Considering the high popularity of the website, according to Mark, the energy savings would be about 750 MW-Hour per year. Answering to this post, Google created a black version of it's search engine named Blackle.com (
http://blackle.com) , that works the exact same way as the original version but uses less power. Pass it on to friends, family and discussion list...let's all give our support to Blackle!!
Mogoče le ni samo marketiška poteza, varčevanje energije v zadnjem času srečujemo na vseh področjih.
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1 komentar:
Po naključju sem našla ta blog. Zadeva z google blacken je priletala tudi na moj mail. Vendar je potrebno opozoriti, da ta google blacken nima nobene povezave z googlom, razen da se v njem skriva adsense koda nekoga z odlično idejo kako uporabiti google custom search. In črn ekran ne porabi manj energije kot svetel. Pa vendar odlična ideja, s katero je nekdo zelo dobro zaslužil.
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